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Student affairs

Information concerning the principles and the condition related to the Academic Year.

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Career and Practices Department

The Career and Practices Department – online consultation

Career and Practices Department allows you to use online consultation: via e-mail or Microsoft Teams.

All students can contact a career counsellor and obtain:

  • interpretation of the results of the competency test available on the. E-Career portal;
  • career development and planning tips;
  • practical advice on how to prepare application documents.

Job offers

We also recommend recruitment on our website www.e-kariera.vistula.edu.pl

The Career and Practices Department is at your disposal online.

Please contact us – individual email addresses can be found here.

Occupational Practice

If you are a 1st or 2nd degree student, check you study program to find out whether you are required to complete internships. You can seek them yourself or use the offer of our Career and Practices Department. You will be supported by your field supervisor.

Occupational Practice

Internship, job placement and job offers

That’s where you can find offers matching your competences, needs and expectations. Remember to add a statement on the processing of your personal data in accordance with the GDPR at the end of your CV. It is a required provision in every application document.

Internship, job placement and job offers


Find out about the latest changes in the labour market, recruitment techniques and requirements for jobseekers. Choose the webinar you are interested in. Online meetings are held both in Polish and English.


Job fairs

Job Fair is a forum for meetings with employers. It gives students an opportunity to find a job, internship or job placement and learn about the labour market, recruitment techniques and job-related requirements. During the Job Fair, students can also test their own competences.

Job fairs

Career counselling

We support our students in navigating the labour market effectively; we help them achieve their goals, identify strengths, and define possible career paths. We want them to gain satisfaction and get jobs matching their potential.

Career counselling

Career and Practices Department


116/117 (Ist floor)

Working hours:
Monday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed


Jolanta Strasz
phone: +48 22 45 72 422
e-mail: j.strasz@vistula.edu.pl
Contact: Vistula School of Hospitality internships

Ewa Czarnecka
phone: +48 22 45 72 352
e-mail: e.czarnecka@vistula.edu.pl
Contact: Vistula School of Hospitality internships

See also documents available after logging in to the Platon platform.

Attachments to download

Information for Graduates 2023 – 2024
The procedure for approving the topic of the diploma thesis.
Procedure for submitting/updating the diploma thesis title/subject
Thesis title/subject submission form.
Title page
Plagiarism – basic information.
How to avoid plagiarism.
Linguistic verification of diploma thesis – instructions for the supervisor
Linguistic verification of diploma thesis
Declaration on writing a diploma thesis in the first language
The Process of Thesis Submission And Archiving Using
Order No. 5/05/2023 on amending the Terms and Conditions of Awarding Diplomas at Vistula School of Hospitality
Terms and Conditions of Awarding Diplomas at Vistula School of Hospitality
Order No. 6/05/2023 of the verification of achieved learning outcomes using information technology tools
Order No. 7/05/2023 on the rules and conditions for conducting diploma examinations with the use of electronic means communication
Appendix No. 1 to the Order No. 7/05/2023 – Technical conditions


We kindly ask you to participate in a survey concerning the evaluation of the quality of education in the Vistula Group of Universities. The survey is anonymous, the results will be presented in an aggregated form and will be used only to improve the quality of education.

The bursary deals with financial services for students in the following scope:

  • accrual of tuition fee and posting of contributions
  • clarifying any doubts regarding payments
  • issuing invoices for students
  • accepting applications from students addressed to the Finance Committee regarding payments
  • accepting cash payments (PLN and EUR) and card payments (PLN)
  • debt recovery

Please also remember that:


Contact to Bursar’s Office and Debt Collection
e-mail: kwestura@vistula.edu.pl

Bursar’s Office – financial settlements with students – room 108:

Working hours:
Monday 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Tuesday 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Wednesday closed
Thursday 10.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Friday closed
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

Cash Register Point (payments in EUR) and Debt Collection – room 118:

Working hours:
Monday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday – closed
Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Friday –closed
Saturday – closed
Sunday – closed

The bursary deals with financial services for students in the following scope:

  • accrual of tuition fee and posting of contributions
  • clarifying any doubts regarding payments
  • issuing invoices for students
  • accepting applications from students addressed to the Finance Committee regarding payments
  • accepting cash payments (PLN and EUR) and card payments (PLN)
  • debt recovery

Please also remember that:

Bank Accounts Numbers


All the fees should be paid to the individual account assigned by the Student Office

(given in USOSWEB system – in PLN).


In other cases payments should be made to our following bank accounts:


Bank Details: : ING BANK ŚLĄSKI
Address of the bank: str. Malczewskiego 45, 02- 622, Warszawa
Swift Code: ING BPLPW
BANK ACCOUNT IBAN: PL 48 1050 1025 1000 0023 5997 2268  – payments in PLN
BANK ACCOUNT IBAN: PL 80 1050 1025 1000 0023 6803 7145  – payments in EUR

Terms of Payments

First payment should be made by 15 th of September (winter semester) and 15 th of February (spring semester).

Every student has received payment details in the Contract and Resolution of the Executive Board regarding the fees applicable to the students.

Every student can check his financial settlements on Usosweb.

The fees may be paid:

  • to the individual account of the University (PLN/EUR);
  •  at the cash deposit machine (in PLN);
  • at the cash register point (room 118) in EUR (or in PLN – above the amount 4 000 PLN).


Vistula Universities offer a rich scholarship system that will allow you to reduce your tuition costs.
STUDENT SUPPORT CENTER helps students in their efforts to obtain a scholarship.

Dear students,

Please be advised that from January 1, 2023, the Rector’s decision increased the maximum income threshold for a social scholarship from PLN 1051 PLN to 1294,40 PLN net per month per person in a student’s family. For this reason, people who have previously received a negative decision on this account or resigned from further filling in the applications are encouraged to apply.

New rights for students from Ukraine in the Social Scholarship 

On March 12, 2022, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland passed the Act on assistance to Ukrainian citizens in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of this country (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 583, as amended) – only in Polish, consolidated text. The legislator decided that whenever this Act refers to a citizen of Ukraine, it also means a spouse of a citizen of Ukraine who does not have Ukrainian citizenship, provided that he/she came to the territory of the Republic of Poland directly from the territory of Ukraine in connection with military operations conducted in the territory of that state.

  1. If the Ukrainian citizen in question legally entered the territory of the Republic of Poland from the territory of Ukraine in the period from February 24, 2022 and declares his intention to stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, his stay in this territory is considered legal for the period of 18 months counting from February 24, 2022. 
  2. If a citizen of Ukraine holding the Pole’s Card left Ukraine in the period from February 24, 2022, and then legally arrived on the territory of the Republic of Poland and declares his intention to stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, his stay in this territory is considered legal for the period of 18 months counting from February 24, 2022. 

A student who is a citizen of Ukraine and has been residing legally on the territory of the Republic of Poland since February 24, 2022, may apply for a social scholarship and assistance referred to in Art. 86 sec. 1 point 1 and 3 of the Act of July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 574, as amended), hereinafter referred to as the Act (only in Polish) and for a student loan, referred to in Art. 98 sec. 1 of the Act. A student applying for a social scholarship submits an application and a statement on family and financial situation. In the case of applying for an allowance, the student is not bound by the limit on the number of allowances referred to in Art. 92 sec. 2 of the Act, i.e. there is no limit to two grants possible to receive in a year.

You can apply for non-returnable financial benefits (from the state budget) in the form of:

  • Social Scholarship,
  • Social Scholarship increased, among others, because of the place of residence,
  • Rector’s scholarship for academic performance, sporting and artistic achievements,
  • Scholarship for people with disabilities,
  • Minister’s scholarship for exceptional achievements,
  • Incentive.

Please remember!
We submit applications in accordance with the scholarship schedule.
First of all, through the USOSweb system in Common Section – Applications.

The application must be submitted:

Print the application registered in the USOS web system, sign it and submit it to the University: in the application box next to room 207, via traditional post to the university’s address with the annotation “SCHOLARSHIP”


Foreigners who started their studies before the academic year 2019/2020 have the right to apply for all financial assistance benefits (social scholarship, scholarship for the disabled, aid, rector’s scholarship) if:

  1. they have a permanent residence permit;

2. they have refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland;

3. they enjoy temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Poland;

4. they are migrant workers, who are citizens of a Member State of the European Union, the Swiss Confederation, or a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area, as well as their family members, if they live on the territory of the Republic of Poland;

5. on the territory of the Republic of Poland, they were granted a long-term resident’s European Union residence permit;

6. on the territory of the Republic of Poland, they were granted a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstance referred to in art. 127, art. 159 paragraph 1, or art. 186 section 1 point 3 or 4 of the Act of the 12th of December, 2013, on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1990, 1948, and 2066, and of 2017, items 60, 858 and 1543);

7. they are foreigners who have been granted subsidiary protection on the territory of the Republic of Poland;

8. they are citizens of European Union Member States, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States – parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or the Swiss Confederation, as well as their family members, with permanent residence;

9. they are holders of a valid Pole’s Card and have been admitted to study on the terms applicable to Polish citizens.

10. Foreigners who started their studies before the academic year 2019/2020 have the right to apply, only for the rector’s scholarship, if they have:

11. a residence card with the annotation “access to the labour market”;

12. a Schengen visa;

13. a national visa issued for the purpose of performing work on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Citizens of the European Union Member States, the Swiss Confederation or the Member States of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and members of their families, admitted to study before the academic year, 2019/2020, on the terms applicable to Polish citizens, have the right to apply only for the rector’s scholarship.

  1. Foreigners who started their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year have the right to apply for all material assistance services (social scholarship, scholarship for the disabled, aid, rector’s scholarship) if:
  2. they are citizens of a Member State of the European Union, the Swiss Confederation, or a Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area, and their family members living on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  3. they have been granted a permanent residence permit,
  4. they are long-term residents of the European Union;
  5. they were granted a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in art. 159 paragraph 1, or art. 186 section 1 point 3 or 4 of the Act of the 12th of December, 2013, on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2206 and 2282, and of 2018, items 107, 138 and 771);
  6. they have refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland, or enjoy temporary protection or subsidiary protection on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  7. they have a certificate confirming the knowledge of Polish as a foreign language, as referred to in art. 11a paragraph 2 of the Act of the 7th of October, 1999, on the Polish language (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 931), at least at language proficiency level, C1;
  8. they hold a Pole’s Card, or are persons who have been issued with a decision on establishing Polish origin;
  9. they are spouses, ascendants, or descendants, of a citizen of the Republic of Poland, living on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Foreigners who started their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year, not mentioned in points 1-8 above, are not entitled to apply for a social scholarship: (they can apply for all other benefits, i.e. rector’s scholarship, allowance, scholarship for the disabled).

Material Assistance Department

Tuesday – Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Important! Each student is entitled to receive a scholarship for a total period of 12 semesters of having the status of a student at all universities in Poland and abroad. Only and exclusively during the first studies of a given degree (Bachelor, MA, PhD). After this period, the student cannot receive any scholarship. More information’s in regulations.

All matters regarding scholarships should be settled within the given dates.

Marzena Polankowska-Kijek
e-mail: m.polankowska-kijek@vistula.edu.pl
phone: +48 22 45 72 321
(room 207, second floor)


Students of full-time and part-time studies, regardless of age, studying in first and second cycle studies.

The right to material help is not available to students who are candidates for professional soldiers, or professional soldiers, who started their studies on the basis of a referral by a competent military authority or received assistance in connection with receiving education on the basis of the provisions on the military service of professional soldiers.

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Students of full-time and part-time studies, regardless of age, studying in first and second cycle studies.

The right to material h…

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The right to material assistance is also not available to students, who are officials of the state services in the candidate service, or who are officers of the state services, who undertook studies based on the referral or consent of the relevant superior, and received assistance in connection with receiving education on the basis of the provisions on service.

Types of financial assistance benefits for students


A student who is temporarily in a difficult financial situation can receive Incentive. The scholarship event may be, e.g.:

  • death or serious illness of a family member,
  • natural disasters (e.g. fire, flood)
  • the birth of a child
  • sudden job loss (eg due to “covid cuts”)
  • theft
  • etc.

An application for incentive can be submitted up to twice in an academic year. A student cannot receive it twice for the same event.

Undocumented or insufficiently documented applications will not be the basis used for granting incentive. The student must document the event (e.g. medical certificate, a certificate from a social assistance centre, court or police decision, invoices or bills confirming expenses incurred as a result of the situation). In justified cases, the university may ask for certificates regarding the amount of net income in the family.

An application for assistance should be submitted immediately, but no later than 90 days from the date of the event.

The amount of incentive applicable in a given academic year is determined by the Rector, in consultation with the university body of student self-government.

The incentive is paid once.

Financial assistance from the state budget for foreign students

Foreign students who started their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year, may apply for a Social Scholarship, providing they meet one of the following conditions:

  1. they have a permanent residence permit or are long-term EU residents;
  2. they have a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Art. 159 section 1, or Art. 186 section 1 point 3 or 4 of the Act on Foreigners;
  3. they have the status of refugees granted in the Republic of Poland, or have been granted temporary or subsidiary protection on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  4. they have a certificate confirming their knowledge of Polish as a foreign language, at least at the C1 level;
  5. they have obtained the Card of the Pole or a decision on establishing Polish origin;
  6. are a spouse, ascendant, or descendant of a Polish citizen living on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  7. they have a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Art. 151 section 1, or Art. 151b section 1 of the Act of the 12th of December, 2013, on Foreigners, or are staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the short-term mobility of a researcher, under the conditions set out in Art. 156b section 1 of this Act, or hold a national visa for the purpose of conducting scientific research or development works.

All foreign students (including those who do not meet the above-mentioned conditions), who started their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year, may also apply for the Rector’s Scholarship, Scholarship for People with Disabilities or Incentive, by submitting standard documentation via USOS web.

Foreign students who started their studies before the 2019/2020 academic year, under the rules applicable to Polish citizens, may apply for all forms of financial assistance from the state budget (Social Scholarship, Scholarship for People with Disabilities and Incentive), providing they:

  1. have a permanent residence permit or the Card of the Pole;
  2. have the status of refugees granted in the Republic of Poland;
  3. have been granted temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  4. have been granted the long-term resident’s European Union residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  5. have been granted a temporary residence permit in connection with the circumstances referred to in Art. 127, Art. 159 section 1, or Art. 186 section 1 point 3 or 4 of the Act of the 12th of December, 2013, on Foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1990, 1948, and 2066, and of 2017, items 60, 858, and 1543), on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  6. have been granted subsidiary protection on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Foreign students, who started their studies before the academic year 2019/2020may apply for the Rector’s Scholarship, providing they:

  1. have a valid residence card with the annotation “access to the labour market”;
  2. have a Schengen visa;
  3. have a national visa issued for the purposes of undertaking employment on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  4. are citizens of the Member States of the European Union, or the Member States of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – and are parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation;
  5. are family members, having the right of permanent residence, of a citizen of the European Union Member States, or the Member States of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) – and are parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation.

IMPORTANT! A student visa issued for the purpose of study does not provide grounds for the receipt of any form of financial assistance from the state budget.

Social scholarship increased, among others, because of the place of residence

A student in an exceptionally difficult financial situation may also receive an allowance to the social scholarship in the form of an “increase” inter alia for:

  • living in a dormitory or in a facility other than a dormitory by a student whose daily commuting from his place of permanent residence to the university would make it impossible or significantly difficult to study,
  • living with an unemployed spouse or child of a student in a student dormitory or in a facility other than a dormitory,
  • raising a child alone,
  • a serious health situation involving high costs of treatment,
  • another special material and living situation.

The reasons for receiving an increased social scholarship should be additionally documented.

Scholarship for people with disabilities

A scholarship for people with disabilities may be granted to a student for a disability, confirmed by a decision of a competent authority on light, moderate, or severe disability, or an equivalent decision.

The student should enclose with his application, a valid certificate, entitling him to a scholarship. Scholarships for people with disabilities may cover a period of up to 10 months, but at the same time, not longer than the validity of the decision. After 10 months if you want to receive your Scholarship for people with disabilities you need to apply again.

Attention! If the application for a scholarship for people with disabilities in the USOSweb system is inactive, it means that you did not report your disability during the recruitment process. To unblock it, please inform the Ombudsman’s staff concerned with disabilities, as to the degree of disability, confirming it with an appropriate certificate. If your disability certificate has expired, and you have managed to obtain a new one, please report this change to the Ombudsman.

Awards criteria and financial benefits amounts

Detailed criteria and thresholds of benefits for students in the field of social scholarship, scholarship for the disabled, Incentive and the rector’s scholarship in the academic year 2024/2025


  • The following amounts of net income, per person, in the family of a student applying for a social scholarship, and the benefits resulting from it, are effective from the 1st of October, 2024:
Net monthly income per person
in the student’s family.
Scholarship amount
up to PLN 350PLN 1600
PLN 351 – PLN 700PLN 1300
PLN 701 – PLN 1570,50PLN 1000
  • The increase in the social scholarship, resulting from the conditions described in the Student Benefits Regulations, is PLN 700.


  • The following amounts of special scholarships for disabled persons, in relation to the degree of disability, are set as follows:
Degree of disabilityScholarship amount
LightPLN 1000
ModeratePLN 1200
SignificantPLN 1500


  • The amount of support for students who temporarily find themselves, due to random reasons, in a difficult financial situation, can amount to no more than 8000 PLN. The amount of the scholarship depends on the Rector’s decision.


  1. The Rector’s Scholarship may be awarded to students studies high average grades and achievements scientific, artistic, or sporting.
    Only 10% can receive rector scholarship of the best students in a given field.
  2. The condition of obtaining the rector’s scholarship for the best students is submitting an application according to scholarship schedule.
Total number of points.Scholarship amount
4,3 – and morePLN 450

The minister’s scholarship for outstanding achievements

The Minister’s scholarship may be awarded to students for outstanding scientific or artistic achievements related to their studies, or outstanding achievements in sport.

Detailed rules for granting the Minister’s Scholarship to students for outstanding achievements, can be found on the website: https://www.nauka.gov.pl/stypendia–ministra/, which also details the procedure for submitting applications for the ministerial scholarship by universities.

Minister’s scholarships are awarded to students upon the application of the university’s Rector, approved by the Faculty Council.

After receiving an opinion, the Rector forwards the student’s application to the ministry, together with documents confirming the achievement of outstanding achievements. In cases whereby a student has presented other achievements, outside the catalogue of outstanding successes, or unrelated to studies, the Rector’s opinion may be negative. The university rector only provides the Minister with positive opinions.

Applications for Minister’s Scholarships are forwarded by the Rector by October the 15th.

All the information needed to submit an application can be found on the website of the ministry: https://www.gov.pl/web/nauka/informacja…

Schedule for accepting applications for the academic year 2023/2024

Scholarship’s applications can be submitted on the following dates:

From 01.09.2023 to 09.07.2024
By the 10th day of each month, for the application to be accepted, in the month in which it was submitted.

From 01.09.2023 to 09.07.2024
By the 10th day of each month, the application will be considered in the month in which it was submitted.

In the winter semester from 01.09.2023 to 20.10.2023
In the summer semester from 01.03.2024 to 20.03.2024

University Rectors forward applications for ministerial scholarships by 15.10.2023.
Remember! The student must complete all the formalities at the university, much earlier.

Print the application registered in the USOS web system, sign it and submit it to the University: in the application box next to room 207, via traditional post to the university’s address with the annotation “SCHOLARSHIP”

IMPORTANT! Failure to collect the decision will result in the suspension of the payment of funds to the student’s account, as only its receipt is tantamount to acceptance of the administrative decision. After receiving the written decision, the student will immediately receive funds to his/her personal account, which he/she indicated in the application. The amount of benefit paid will be increased, in proportion to the number of months in which the student delayed receiving the decision.

It should be remembered that an application may be considered negatively, despite correctly submitted documents. The scholarship decision awaiting a student is not an unambiguous award of a specific scholarship.

Social scholarship increased, among others, because of the place of residence

A student, who is in an extremely difficult financial situation, may also receive a social scholarship in the increased amount, among others, when he is forced to rent a room in a student home or flat, because access from the place of permanent residence to the university, prevents, or significantly hinders, studying.

Social scholarship

The social scholarship is granted to full-time and part-time students, regardless of age, who study at BA level (first-degree studies) and MA (second-degree studies) and are in a difficult financial situation.

The maximum amount of income, per family member per month that entitles a student to a social scholarship is PLN 1570,50.

Rector’s scholarship

This type of scholarship may be awarded to students after completing their first year of study.

The condition for obtaining the Rector’s Scholarship is to obtain a high average grade for the last year of study, and/or for scientific, artistic, or high sports results in an international or national competition.

A Rector’s Scholarship may also be applied for by a first-year student of the first-cycle, or uniform Master’s studies, who has been admitted to these studies in the year of passing the Matura exam; an Olympics winner, a finalist of the subject Olympics, or a medal winner in sporting competition, all contributing towards the title of ‘Polish Champion in Sport’.

First-year students of the second-cycle studies may apply for the Rector’s Scholarship, also on the basis of the results from the last year of undergraduate studies. If you have previously studied at a university, other than Vistula, you must attach to the application a certificate about the average grade from that previous university.

Rector’s Scholarship Applications for the best students are submitted twice a year at the beginning of each semester, according to the schedule. Rector’s scholarships are awarded twice per academic year, per semester, for up to 5 months.

The student is required to submit a separate application with complete documentation for each semester. The rector’s scholarship may receive a maximum of 10% of the best students in a given field of study, but cannot be granted to a student who, regardless of average grade and achievements:

repeats the year/semester of studies,
obtained a conditional entry or conditional credit for the next semester/year,
resumed studies after being struck off the list of students, due to failing a semester or year.

Attachments to download

Regulations on the student benefits
Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on student benefits – Detailed criteria and thresholds for student benefits regarding the social scholarship, scholarship for people with disabilities, allowances and Rector’s scholarship
Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations on student benefits – List of documents required on application for each type of scholarship
Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations on student benefits – Detailed criteria and rules for converting the average grade and achievements into points
Appendix No. 4.2 to the Regulations on student benefits – SCHOOL* / UNIVERSITY* ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE OF THE APPLICANT’S SIBLING
Appendix No. 4.3 to the Regulations on student benefits – DECLARATION ON RESIDENCE IN A STUDENT DORMITORY / OTHER FACILITY
Appendix No. 4.4 to the Regulations on student benefits – DECLARATION ON FINANCIAL SITUATION
Appendix No. 4.5 to the Regulations on student benefits – STUDENT DECLARATION on sharing/ not sharing a household with parents
Appendinx No. 4.7 Application for subsequent verification of entitlement to a social scholarship andor its increase
Appendix No. 5.1 to the Regulations on student benefits – List of achievements to the Rector’s scholarship
Appendix No. 8 to the Regulations on student benefits – APPEAL AGAINST DECISION

Vistula students can benefit from medical care provided in the formula that is most convenient for them. You can consult an internist at our University in room No. 24. Students who are in Poland and use a telephone supported by a Polish mobile network can also use medical advice by telephone – after prior registration via our website:
https: //book.vistula.edu.pl/

Telephone contact takes place on the confirmed consultation date and hour. During a telephone consultation you can get a referral for the COVID-19 vaccination (passport number must be provided).

IMPORTANT, during an on-line consultation, the doctor does not issue health certificates required during the recruitment process for candidates for studies.


Angelika Marszewska, M.A.

Working Hours (Online):
Friday: 9:30 – 11.30

Book an appointment: https://book.vistula.edu.pl

Before registering for a visit, please read the regulations


Health insurance system in Poland is based on principles of equal treatment and access to healthcare servicesNational Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia; NFZ) is the institution responsible for public medical services in Poland and it is they who manage public funds for healthcare.

Health insurance is mandatory for all students for the whole duration of their stay in Poland.

International students are strongly advised to purchase third party liability insurance and accident insurance in their home countries.

Are you the EU citizen?

EU citizens are eligible for free health services in Poland providing that they present a valid European Health Insurance Card.

EU citizens without health insurance in their countries of residence and non-EU citizens can sign a health insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) or with one of the private clinics.

Are you a non-EU citizen?

You  can sign the insurance agreement with the National Health Fund and pay monthly contribution to the NFZ.

Do you have the Pole’s CARD (Karta Polaka) or Polish descent confirmed by a Consulate?

If yes, you are entitled to be insured by the University on the Polish Government cost.

In order to be insured, you have to sign a contract with the National Health Fund (NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) and submit a copy of the contract to the Student Welfare and Support Office along with:

  • the application form (printed, filled in and signed),
  • a copy of the Pole’s Card or certificate of the Polish origin,
  • confirmation of student status (issued by the students office of the faculty)

If you are a non-EU citizen who have neither the Pole’s Card nor a Polish descent, you are also obliged to have an insurance during the whole duration of your stay in Poland. Otherwise you will be obliged to pay for all health services on your own.

You can insure yourself either in NFZ or in one of numerous private insurance companies.

How can I get NFZ insurance?

  • Step 1. Documents which you need:

–  2 application forms for National Health Fund health insurance (DOCX) cover from here

– your passport with a current visa or residence permit

– your Student ID Card,

– the confirmation of the student status (issued by the Dean’s office)

– a document confirming that you are resident in Poland (e.g. dorm certificate, residence card, rental agreement, etc.)

The form can be printed and delivered in person, or sent by post to the branch or the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) inspectorate in the competent district. The cost of the insurance of international students who are not citizens of EU is around 15 EUR per month.

It is possible to pay for health insurance for a period longer than 1 month, e.g. for 6 months in advance.

National Health Fund (NFZ)
Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)
List of state hospitals (only in Polish)
Detailed information on healthcare in Poland for citizens of EU/EEA member states 

Please note that you don’t need a PESEL number to get NFZ insurance. However, it still might be useful as this is a unique identification number for all Polish citizens and many residents, so we highly recommend to apply for it.

Private insurance

Obviously, you can decide to insure yourself privately. But you have to remember that private insurance policies do not provide the same equal access to medical services that you can expect from public coverage.

Limitations of private insurance are set by the policy you decide on. You can choose a cheap one where you have an access only to basic services, such as visit at general practitioner and some specialist doctors. On the other hand, if you decide on more expensive services, they will most probably include more advanced options, e.g.: hospitalization, operations, giving birth etc.

Also, please, remember that private companies often set so called delay periods, which means that patients have access to certain services only after longer period of paying the insurance contribution (e.g. 60 days).

That is why we strongly recommend that you obtain the public insurance from National Health Fund.

SPOKEMEN (OMBUDSMAN) at Vistula School of Hospitality

The Academic Ombudsman supervises the observance of the rights of members of the Vistula School of Hospitality academic community – students and employees of the University. In particular, its functions include providing support and mediation aimed at resolving disputes and conflicts between:

  • students or doctoral students and lecturers,
  • students or doctoral students, and employees of the University administration,
  • employees and the University,
  • University employees.

The Academic Ombudsman intervenes in individual cases (concerning an employee or a student, after the interested person exhausts the usual institutional methods of solving the problem), at the request of the Rector, the University’s organizational unit, student government body or on his own initiative. In addition, the Ombudsman is involved in the process of shaping and adhering to the standards at the University to eliminate reprehensible and unlawful phenomena, which primarily include discrimination, mobbing, intolerance, harassment, scientific fraud and other unethical behavior.

In line with good practices recommended by the International Ombudsman Association (IOA), the activities of the Academic Ombudsman are characterized by:

  • independence,
  • neutrality and impartiality,
  • confidentiality,
  • informality.

The Academic Spokesman was appointed on the basis of Ordinance No. 6/09/20 the Rector Vistula School of Hospitality  of 30/09/2020 on the creation of the position of the Academic Spokesman (Ombudsman) in Vistula School of Hospitality . The function of Academic Spokesman in currently performed by Agnieszka Muszyńska PhD. Requests in individual cases, comments, suggestions and interventions as well as reporting the need for a personal meeting should be sent to a.muszynska@vistula.edu.pl .  

The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula School of Hospitality

Vistula School of Hospitality

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