Student affairs
On October 25, 2017, the third edition of the JobDay job fair took place at thecVistula Group of Universities. It was held under the slogan “Make some extracmoney for your studies or find a dream job”. A dozen or so companies werecseeking new employees. They included, among others, companies from thecfinancial industry, customer service and HR, i.e. Accenture, Bank Pekao, VivuscFinance, Sitel, McDonald’s and KFC as well as recruitment companies forcvarious industries, such as Staffer and Best Jobs. The JobDay provided our students with a great opportunity to talk directly tocemployers and recruiters. An additional attraction was Personal Branding withcAccenture Operations, i.e. individual meetings with an Accenture expert, one of the world’s largest outsourcing and consulting companies in the field ofcmanagement and technology, which showed students how to focus on theircstrengths and gain a unique advantage in the job market.

Vistula University