Strona główna / Wspomnienie / Konrad Ludwikowski, Italy

Konrad Ludwikowski, Italy

Konrad Ludwikowski, Italy

My name is Konrad and I had the opportunity to be a part of the amazing Erasmus+ experience, which I would recommend to anybody who finds joy in traveling, meeting new people and cultures and becoming the best version of their selves.

I chose Italy as a country to live in for five months of my life and I fell in love in this beautiful land. The receiving university was University of Florence and the faculty was Management.

I made tens of beautiful friendships and I had the chance to meet many interesting people while studying abroad. The biggest value that I have learned was that, even if we all are different people from all around the world, we are not so different – we all just want to have a great time, learn and share our experience with the others.

The most fun of studying abroad I would say is, that You have enough time to balance the education and travelling at its best. You keep learning new things every day, but at the same time You see so many fantastic places and get to know the real culture and roots of the country You choose to study in.

I spent my free time mostly travelling, doing sports and meeting new people in the most interesting ways possible, as we had a chance to eat the traditional Italian food together and to try to cook some of the iconic dishes ourselves.

The student life abroad was great, even though we did not fully experience it because of the pandemic. Anyway, it did not stop us from meeting great professors and becoming a part of the university life. I was very satisfied with how University of Florence handled these hard conditions and I would recommend this place to everybody. I am more than grateful for every lesson that I have learned.

I have visited many beautiful places and I have learned a lot about Italian culture. I saw all of the biggest Italian cities, as well as the small villages in the south of the country which let me to be in touch with the real, traditional Italian habits.

The Erasmus program itself was great and I consider the possibility of getting financial and mental health priceless. I got all the needed help from my coordinators and I appreciate every single advice from all of Them.

The advice I would give for students interested in going is simple. Just go for it! I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions in my life to take part in such a great program and I would never change anything. Life has its ups and downs, but when You spend such a quality time in such a beautiful country, all You can think about is “it was so much worth it”. I wish beautiful experience to all the future Erasmus students. Take care!

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