Home / News / You can change the world, now. Graduation 2023/2024 at Vistula Universities

You can change the world, now. Graduation 2023/2024 at Vistula Universities

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More graduates bid farewell to Vistula Universities. The Graduation 2023/2024 ceremony was full of emotions and reflections. The Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Adam Struzik, sent a congratulatory letter to the academic community, wishing the graduates continued success and prosperity.

It was a beautiful and joyous afternoon. The ceremony took place in the elegant setting of the Hilton Hotel in Warsaw. Graduates celebrated the conclusion of their studies in the company of their families and friends. “This is a special moment for all of us,” said Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD, Professor and Rector of Vistula University. “As you know, we live in very challenging times. We need people today who can counter these negative trends.”

Krzysztof Celuch, PhD, professor and Rector of the Vistula School of Hospitality, thanked the audience for the trust they showed in the university and its lecturers. – This is your day. You are turning from a breeze into a real hurricane – he said, referring to the celebration of World Wind Day. – You can change the world. Remember, be good people and support your families.

During the ceremony, awards for outstanding academic achievements were presented. They received them:

• Karolina Sawulska – Dietetics,
• Aleksandra Konkol – Dietetics,
• Magdalena Szawlińska – Dietetics,
• Angelika Połaska-Borkowicz – Graphics,
• Laura Serikbayeva – Management,
• Marek Zdulski – IT,
• Paweł Traczyk – Computer science.

A group of students was also awarded for outstanding sports achievements within AZS Vistula.

Many warm words of gratitude flowed towards the lecturers of Vistula University. –

Vistula gave me more than I expected, emphasized Nikola Naus, speaking on behalf of the S VSH student community. – The university opened many doors for me, gave me a job that I truly love. She gave me confidence that I could cope in the industry and gave me a lot of great memories that will stay with me forever. The most important thing, however, is that I met friends from all over the world at Vistula.

Sahir Uppel, a graduate of Vistula University, expressed his admiration that every culture is respected at Vistula. – For me, Vistula is a home for everyone – he said. – Here I learned that it doesn’t matter where you come from, the color of your skin or culture, but what kind of person you are.

After the official part of the event, there was fun and many attractions.

Thank you for participating in the Graduation ceremony. We wish you beautiful plans for the future and fulfillment of your dreams.

The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula School of Hospitality

Vistula School of Hospitality

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