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The ceremony of awarding diplomas for scientific activity at Vistula University

Uroczyste wręczenie dyplomów za prowadzoną działalność naukową

On February the 20th, 2023, the ceremony of awarding diplomas for scientific activity of research and teaching employees of Vistula University took place in the Senate Hall.

The awards were granted based on the Rector’s order of April 11, 2022, to Vistula University employees who in 2022 published scientific papers valued according to the list of the Ministry of Education and Science at 70 points and higher, as well as employees who applied for funding grants at the National Science Centre or another state agency. 

The committee composed of the Vice-Rector for Science and four Directors of disciplines covered by parameterisation, awarded 18 academics for the publication of scientific articles/ monographs and 6 – for submitting grant applications.

The awarding of diplomas is the first such ceremony held at Vistula University. Honouring University employees is aimed at encouraging the staff to scientific and research activity. – Today’s ceremony is a precedent, and it is a form of appreciation by the University authorities of scientifically active employees assigned to 4 disciplines covered by parameterisation, the results of which turned out to be beneficial for Vistula University – emphasized Wawrzyniec Konarski, PhD, Professor and Rector of Vistula University.

As a result of the evaluation of scientific activity carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science, our University received the “A” category for the disciplines of history and quality management sciences and the “B+” category for political and administration sciences as well as economics and finance. The obtained categories entitle our University to confer academic titles in each of the four evaluated disciplines, to run a doctoral school and independently create new fields of study. 


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