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Climate is our major challenge – RCOY conference

On September 22-24, Vistula University will host participants of the Regional Youth Climate Conference (RCOY Eastern Europe). Our University is a partner of the event. The conference will bring together Delegates from all over Central and Eastern Europe as well as climate experts to talk about what young people can do to save our planet.

RCOY Eastern Europe is a youth climate conference organized by youth for youth. The goal is to consolidate young climate activists in our region. During the event, young people will take part in workshops conducted by climate experts and expand their knowledge on the state of climate negotiations. They will learn how to take care of the climate – day by day, and how to educate those around us on this matter. They will also work out a common position – the Regional Youth Declaration – which will serve as the basis for future youth climate projects.

The conference will take place at a critical moment. We are increasingly struggling with the negative effects of global warming. The key factors behind such a state of affairs are people and enormous greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Our daily habits also have an impact on the climate. This includes our approach to waste segregation, irrational use of water resources or excessive consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to build awareness and knowledge about ecology.

We invite everyone interested in joining the conference to read the program and register on the website:


The university implements projects co-financed by the European Union
Vistula University in Pultusk

Vistula University in Pultusk

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Vistula School of Hospitality

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